My wife and I did a one hour mule ride this morning, so I'm getting a late start on this hike.  To reach the trailhead drive north on Highway 67 just past the North Kaibab Trail parking lot.  Turn west at the highway sign onto a nice gravel road and travel seven-tenths of a mile to the parking lot.

Highway sign to Widforss Trail
7-18-2006 @ 10:10
Sign to Widforss parking lot
7-18-2006 @ 10:18
Widforss parking lot
7-18-2006 @ 10:18

     The trail begins on the south side of the parking lot.  Trail brochures are available at the trailhead sign.  The trail is well maintained, easy walking, and begins a gradual climb to reach the main plateau overlooking the inner Canyon.  Information markers are placed along the trail with numbers that correspond to explanatory text in the brochure.

Widforss Trailhead sign
7-18-2006 @ 10:18
Widforss Trail
7-18-2006 @ 10:28
Information marker
7-18-2006 @ 10:30

     In no time at all, I reach the top and start the traverse around to the other side of this side canyon.  There are numerous points with great views of the inner Canyon.

First view of inner Canyon
7-18-2006 @ 10:36
First view of inner Canyon
7-18-2006 @ 10:36

     This plateau is more like a meadow with flowers and ferns everywhere.

Lady Fern
7-18-2006 2 10:43
Silverstem Lupine
7-18-2006 @ 10:46
Silverstem Lupine and Daiseys
7-18-2006 @ 10:50

     As I walk along, there are more viewing points and flowers.

Inner Canyon view
7-18-2006 @ 10:51
Silverstem Lupine and Daiseys
7-18-2006 @ 10:52
Inner Canyon view
7-18-2006 @ 10:54

     I can't get over how many different flowers there are in this section of the trail.  These really add to the experience of a nice day hike.

Water Hemlock
7-18-2006 @ 11:00
Golden-Beard Penstemon
7-18-2006 @ 11:04
Wheeler Thistle
7-18-2006 @ 11:14

     As I approach the south end of this plateau, there are more inner Canyon views and an interesting rock formation similar to the Duck on a Rock seen on the East Drive of the South rim.

Inner Canyon view
7-18-2006 @ 11:15
Duck on a Rock
7-18-2006 @ 11:32
Duck on a Rock
7-18-2006 @ 11:36

     You now start down a wide sweeping trail into another lush area with quite a bit of bushes and other growth.

Arizona Mountain-Ash
7-18-2006 @ 12:09
Arizona Mountain-Ash
7-18-2006 @ 12:10

     Around 11:30 was the last time I had a view of the inner Canyon.  It is about two miles from this section until reaching the end of the trail, the Widforss Point sign.  Interestingly there is a picnic table beside the sign.  I sit down and have my peanut butter and jelly sandwich lunch with some Gatorade.

Widforss Point sign
7-18-2006 @ 12:24
Picnic table at Widforss Point
7-18-2006 @ 12:24

     Now it's time for some pictures of the inner Canyon.  The actual Widforss Point is quite a ways out on a finger and does not appear to be accessible.  If it is reachable, it would take a great deal of effort and scrambling, something I'm not willing to try right now, knowing I have another five miles back to the trailhead.

Actual Widforss Point
7-18-2006 @ 12:37
Inner Canyon view
7-18-2006 @ 12:37
Inner Canyon view
7-18-2006 @ 12:37
Inner Canyon view
7-18-2006 @ 12:37
Inner Canyon view
7-18-2006 @ 12:37

     I was hoping to get some great pictures of the North Rim Lodge from Widforss Point, but your view of it is blocked.  On the way back to the trailhead, I reach one area where some pictures of the Lodge are possible, but only if you look closely at full zoom on my camera.

Zoomed in view of North Rim Lodge
7-18-2006 @ 1:35
Zoomed in view of North Rim Lodge
7-18-2006 @ 1:35

     I am breaking in new boots and have developed a small blister on the sole of my left foot.  My outside right ankle bone has also been hurting quite a bit, something I attribute to that harrowing scramble on the back sections of the Ken Patrick Trail I did yesterday.  I reach the trailhead in about two hours after leaving Widforss Point, the same time it took me to reach the point.

     This is a wonderful trail.  It really offers about everything you could want in a great day hike:

  • The trail is easy to reach, well maintained, and very easy walking.

  • There are trail brochures at the trailhead with interpretive markers along the trail.

  • Flowers are everywhere.

  • There are numerous inner Canyon viewing points on the first half of the hike.

  • If you don't feel like going all five miles to Widforss Point, simply go as far as you want, turn around, and return to the trailhead.


Copyright © Richard M. Perry, 2004-2023.  All rights reserved. This web site, its text, and pictures may not be copied without the express written consent of Richard M. Perry.